Written by: Journei Green
When deciding which products are the best for you, you have to figure out where your hair stands. Is it dry, is your scalp itchy, etc.

We're going to start with the basics. I believe that healthy hair starts with the products you use in the shower. I rarely use shampoo because it dries out my hair, but I highly recommend Head and Shoulders to get rid of or prevent dryness and itchiness. When I first started my natural hair journey, I suffered from product build up. This gave way to extreme scalp dryness. From a natural hair stand point, when shampooing you should only wash your scalp. The lather will travel down your hair anyway.
Second, the conditioner you use matters the most between the two. The conditioner has to have a lot of slip. This allows for easier detangling and a shorter time in the shower. One of my favorites is the Aussie moist conditioner. It's a thick conditioner that allows for fast detangling and it smells heavenly. It retails for about $6 (give or take) for a large bottle and lasts for a little less than 2 months.
This next product is actually a tool. A slip conditioner paired with an amazing detangling brush; it knocked my shower time down from almost 2 hours to 45 minutes. I highly recommend the Crave detangle brush ($12). Five uses of this brush usually detangles my hair and leaves bouncy curls and coils. The only downside is that the coils/curls are too thick to leave in your head. For out of the shower detangling, I recommend the Tangle Teezer ($10).
Deep conditioning is a God sent when trying to moisturize your hair. The Aussie 3 minute miracle is one I use when I'm low on time. It leaves my hair soft and less frizzy than normal, but It cannot compare to homemade deep conditioners. My favorite go to is avocado oil, blueberry oil (from Curly) and Aussie conditioner (used as a base). This holy grail of a mixture is high moisturizing and leaves my scalp minty. I sometimes leave it on for a couple of days for maximum moisture.
I usually have my hair in protective styles because I rarely have time to do my hair. To do these styles, I use a modified version of the “LOC” (leave in oil cream) method. The first product I use is Aunt Jackie's Quench Moisture Intensive Leave-In Conditioner ($7). It moisturizes my hair and allows me to lock it in with hair oil. I then use Camille Rose Honey Hydrate ($12). Using both of these leave-ins back to back, leaves my hair extremely hydrated. I then use the Curly blueberry oil ($9) to lock the moisture in. Lastly, I use a thick pomade by Coral Caughters ($12) for intense moisturization.