50 activities to do while social distancing.
For self care
Do yoga
Take a bubble bath
Drink water
Binge watch your favorite show
Make fancy coffee
Go on a walk
Burn a candle
Take a long shower
Paint your nails
For excitement
Do a puzzle
Play a board game or a game of cards
Make tik toks
Read a book
Write letters
Learn a new recipe
Play with your pets
Watch your favorite childhood movie
Listen to an old CD
For something different
Write Yelp reviews
Make kombucha
Give your pets a bath
Email your representatives
Get dressed up for a self-timer photo shoot
Make a mix-tape
Build something
Do some bird watching
Call your grandparents
Become an influencer
For productivity
Start your own garden
Rearrange your bedroom
Purge your unwanted items
Clean something
Wash your sheets
Organize your laptop files
Do your homework
Delete your social media
Go for a run
Make a to-do list
For creativeness
Make Spotify playlists
Learn to knit
Up-cycle clothing
Make homemade skincare
Start vlogging
Cut your own hair
Make a candle
Learn a new instrument